Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Ok, so I read Ginger's blog after she wrote the url on the back of the church bulletin. :P Interested, I began to surf the different blogs linked on her "favorites." I came across the blogs of most of her family. I am officially a "lurker!" While reading her daughters's blogs, I laughed so hard I nearly pee'd my pants. I wish I could have been one of her eight children. Anyway, I think I read all of them and was disappointed there wasn't more. What a great idea blogging is! I can't wait to share my experiences with my family. It is so great when you realize you aren't alone in your interesting trials as a stay at home mom. I loved reading all of your blogs. =)


It is now 3:45am and I have finally figured out how to make all the cute little icons appear. Hopefully my kids will leave me alone so I can take a nap tomorrow.


Ginger said...

Fabulous! I did not put it on the back of the bulletin, but am very excited about the whole blogging thing! It will be so much fun to get a peak inside the Legner household!

Vidal's Nest said...

Welcome to the "Blogosphere"!!!
I am Lauri, Ginger's daughter! Found your blog through my mom's!
You will find blogging is not only fun but theraputic too! Once people read my blog I think they feel better about how they are doing Ü
Your blog is pretty cute especially for having just begun!