Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not for the Faint of Heart

Ok, remember way back when I said steamcleaners were something that warranted a 52 blessing? Well, now I second the motion! Yesterday, one of our dogs decided to jump on our couch and pee. The boys tried to clean it up with 409 but I knew it wasn't good enough. Btw, I think they yelled at her and scared the pee right out of her, that's why they were so helpful. :P Anyway, I have been wanting to steam clean the couch for a while. Couches get dirty too, but I wasn't aware of how dirty they really get. If you are easily disgusted turn away! If you have a weak stomach, don't look! But, if you are interested in how dirty your couch probably is, take a look at mine.

This is the water

Happy boys because they didn't get in trouble!



kristifritzel said...

Ok, I can handle all but the last pic of him pretending to drink it.

kristifritzel said...

PS. that looks like the crud we suck out of peoples bowels when there is a bowel obstruction.

Ginger said...


Weston Family said...

What, exactly, do you people do on the couch? Urine is usually yellow.

*katie said...

Oh that picture of Conor with it up to his mouth is so ick!